The story behind the MHS logo

The wonderful logo for MHS is by L. Gregory, who was aged 10 when she drew her design.

L. Gregory was the winner of the Medical Humanities Sheffield Logo Competition, which we held in Westways Primary School in the spring of 2013. The competition was open to all Y5 and Y6 pupils, and as you can see from the pictures this was one of many excellent entries.

The competition gave the children the chance to show off their drawing skills. It also gave us the chance to explain the reasons for forming MHS and the kind of message the logo for the centre needed to convey.

The pupils of Westway were remarkably good at understanding the ideas behind the centre and designing images that conveyed the MHS’s ethos. This design eventually won because it made all the judges smile.

We are pleased to be able to show you all of the 131 logo entries we received…

Logo designs by Year 5M

Logo designs by Year 5S

Logo designs by Year 6H

Logo designs by Year 6K